Bob Blah Blah…

Friedrich Nietzsche said it best.

“I am one thing, my writings are another matter.”

I started the BobSongs Blog, because I wanted to write, and talk about my music… and the music of others.

However, life… (messy as it is) …got in the way.

Things sometimes tick me off, and affect me, and I feel compelled to write and explore my feelings.

So, (for instance) when news that convicted pedophile Graham James had received a pardon from the National Parole Board, and the Federal Government (tough on crime ??? Not !!!) …knew nothing about it… I was ticked.

When I was plucked from amongst other volunteers, to Run with the Olympic Torch, I wrote about it.

And, for over a hundred Blog posts… whatever the fallout, I wrote about it.

I’ve had some hate piled on me… one person, to the point that I had to block him.

But overall, the response has been positive, or it has (in some cases) inspired a debate… and that is good.

At its best, discussion brings together different viewpoints, and when done properly, is an inclusive process, showing us that we are more alike than different.

At worse, it allows me to vent, to bring to light something that I am proud of, or think deserves a bit more prominence.

There have been a LOT of very varied topics… but my original intention was to have my Songs and Songwriting featured, but my BobSongs Blog has evolved into a lot of other things.

Bob Gray - BobSongs - Bob's Songs -

Thus, I’ve been looking for another Blog domain, that encaptures the “everything else”-ness of my writings.

Driving down the highway, in Washington on Friday, my sweetie and I were talking about it, and that’s when we came up with…

Bob… Blah… Blah…

So, from now on, the BobSongs Blog will be Music, and music-related Posts only.

Bob.. Blah… Blah… will be the home of “What’s In Store”, Caught on the Web, Musings and other NON-Music posts.

Thanks for checking both out, and I hope to see you back here… AND there… soon !!!

BobSongs Recording Studio…

Someone recently said to me… “I didn’t put together the name BobSongs, with you being a songwriter.”

It got me thinking that some of the links on my webpage don’t get clicked through, often enough.

So, I thought I would make that the topic of a Blog Posting.

Over the past few years, I’ve been working on my basement, which is comprised of two main parts:

Black Cat Saloon Sign

Black Cat Saloon Sign

The Black Cat Bar…

which I will talk about in another post…

and BobSongs Recording Studio.

BobSongs Studio

BobSongs Studio

BobSongs Recording Studio is a one room recording studio, without the requirement of an isolation booth.

Because it is strictly for my own use, or for a very small group, I don’t require a separate room to run sound out of.

The Computer Controls and the “magic” all happen in the same room.

When I was building the Studio, I was concerned about the acoustics, so I took an extra year, and custom built a Birch Wood Wall, constructed with a recurring pattern of jutting box shelves, which acoustically break the flat surface of the facing wall.  It took me a year, because I had never custom built a wall before.  Seriously.

Studio WallStudio Wall

I have been writing songs for years, and had a recording rig setup in my house, but it always seemed that someone was using a weed wacker or a leaf blower whenever I wanted to record something… so I thought it would be best if I could finish a quiet, sound-protected corner of our unfinished basement.

Trumpet lamp

Trumpet lamp

Along the way, I had a lot of challenges and fun, and perhaps my favourite “touch” is the old trumpet, I turned into a lamp !

I don’t know if you have heard anything I’ve recorded… but I can assure you… I have no aspirations for being a recording artist.

My love is writing and crafting the music and lyrics, and getting it to a point where I feel it is “ready.”

My hope is that some day, someone will like one of my songs enough to publish or record it.

In the meantime, I will keep toiling away, with occasional shots of “inspiration” from the Black Cat Bar !!!

For the Sound Geeks, you may want to know I run ProTools with a DigiDesign 002 Rack.

Drums and many accompaniments and flavours are provided compliments of “George”, the Yamaha PSR-2100 Keyboard.

I have a few guitar brands represented, amongst them: Takamine, K. Yairi, S. Yairi, Bayou, Fender & Hohner.

My focus and hope is to get my Songs to a point, where my performance doesn’t distract TOO MUCH from the Song itself.

An example of this quality of production is: Whisky Haze

This is, I hope, a good enough quality demo, to prevent my poor singing and playing from being a distraction, and THAT is the purpose of BobSongs Studio.