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I Have A Secret Place –
I have a secret place, and no one ever goes there.
It‘s my Music Website.
I open with this line, not because I want sympathy, but because this fact has only recently been made real for me.
I’ve had my website for a number of years. I’ve redesigned it a number of times, and regularly go in and tweak Keywords, Meta Tags, and post new songwriting offerings.
In the past few months, I’ve started up the Blog you’re reading now. I recently read some info on Google Analytics, and so, installed them. In the two weeks since I’ve started getting information, my Blog traffic varies… from daily high of 37 visitors and a low of 3.
At the same time, I installed the tracking software on my Music website, but with a vastly different result… Flatline. Zip. Zero. Zilch. The soundtrack of my website’s stats is crickets chirping.
While it was disappointing, I was pleased to find this out sooner, rather than later. This was a game-changer for me.
I have a number of friends who are songwriters , musicians, and performers… and many, like me, want to market themselves. Many have websites, or pay to have their profiles put on websites… but I think a lot of them are having the same results that I am.
Now, I am on a quest to find a more productive way to market my songs. I hope to encounter someone who would like to publish or perform my music, so that my songs get heard.
I also hope to help my friends and readers find success, or at least maximize their chances, and maybe, at worst, save them some money on marketing !
Stay tuned !